Occupy Wall Street?

Occupy Wall Street!!  Last night I was watching one of the cable shows and there were clips of the mess on wall street.  You’d expect to see mostly disheveled and homeless hanging around but what you don’t see, and what the media doesn’t really show is the “class” of the majority of people participating in OWS.  They’re college students and SEI union members!  Some of the students are Harvard students who are mad that they have student loans!!  Wow!! You live in a free country that allows you to get to the point where you can go to a university that costs more than the median income and then protest your country’s core principles that allowed the institution to exist!

I’ve got an idea!  Why don’t we just eliminate all debt (which has been proposed at these protests), give everyone free higher education, free health care, a free house, free homeowners insurance (what good’s a home without insurance), set the minimum wage ad $35 an hour and. oh yeah, while we are at it, a free car!!  Of course for PC sake we should give them a Prius!!  But I have a feeling they wouldn’t want anything less than an Audi or Benz.

These people are acting out what they have been spoon feed throughout their years at our public schools and institutions of “higher learning”.  If I were one of these protesters I would demand to have my money refunded because it’s apparent that the kind of education they were force fed (anti-capitalism) could only prepare them for one thing – failure to be any resemblance to a productive part of society.

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