I found myself nauseated as I watched the Democratic Convention last night. I would watch for a while, listen to the lies being belched at the podium, yell a few “I don’t believe this” statements at the screen, then flip the channel to Jeopardy. I’d watch Alex Trebek for a while and then had to go back to see what else they were trying to shove down the throat of the American people. Couldn’t stop myself from wondering how they could actually believe that the average person would swallow this hogwash!! Rahm Emanuel says that Obama can stop the rain and bring the sun out!?! Come on – can they really believe this?
I realized that the problem with the party is that they’ve heard this drivel for so long that they’ve (to use an old fisherman’s cliche) swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. No matter what the facts are they can’t see the truth – because, like Jack Nicholson once said “They can’t handle the truth..!” If they acknowledged these facts they’d have to admit that all of their socialist policies, every time they’ve been tried over the last 100 years, have utterly failed!!
One of the themes that seemed to permeate the convention was that of “saving’ the middle class. In fact, their goal, according to Mayor Castro, is to make it into the middle class and be able to stay there. I don’t know about you, but when I was growing up I was taught that there was no limit to what I could achieve. If I wanted to move to a more affluent lifestyle, with hard work, I could.
Therein lies the problem with the Obama doctrine. He doesn’t believe that anyone should be more than just ‘middle class’ – and the democratic party has moved left to follow him. He was indoctrinated from childhood that America has stolen the wealth from third world countries and anyone who is wealthy in America has stolen it from someone else. Over his lifetime he has adopted the purpose of changing America into a country where his views can abound – where nobody is rich and everyone is the same. The only problem with that is, whenever and wherever it’s been tired, it has always ended up being only two classes: the proletariat (the lower social class or working class) and the ultra-elite ruling class. That is not the America we experienced growing up nor what our Founding Fathers had in mind!!