Well, it has been a long time since I posted. This garbage from the far-left press is making me sick. Who, in their right mind, would want to sacrifice the lives of American citizens just to make sure that Donald Trump looks bad?!?
For example, any common-sense American knows that, if you have a medication that has been used for years with no side effects if taken properly, and it could help you NOT DIE, you would take it!?
The only reason that the media began its campaign against this medication, hydroxychloroquine, is because President Trump suggested that it might help. This is despicable!
These idiots are willing to let people die in order to make sure that Donald Trump doesn’t have any kind of victory!
Now, there’s nothing we can really do about the main-stream press hating Donald Trump, but there is something we can do to change the face of our government. We need to vote the democrats out of office in the house and senate!!
The House has done nothing but impede the progress of our nation. Our president’s approval rating is higher than Obama’s, at this same time in office (prior to Covid-19) and that’s with 97% negative reporting against him!! Imagine, if the main-stream press had just reported the facts and not just published skewed hate pieces, how high his rating would be? Imagine, if the House would have done its job and worked together to MAKE AMERICA SUCCESSFUL, how much further along we would be financially today.
Most of us don’t live in California and New York City, or any other liberal bastion, but we have friends who live in those state. We need to contact everyone we know and make sure that they start working to replace those house members who have opposed the good work this President has tried to accomplish.
This next election could mean the difference between a continuing prosperity or the downfall of our nation as we know it. The house leadership has already promised to try to impeach the President again next term. They are going to continue to ignore the People’s business and try to destroy Donald Trump.
The next Presidential term will most likely replace one, or maybe two, supreme court justices and hundreds of other federal justices…we need a President, Senate, and Congress who will work together for the betterment our or society!
Please, call or write everyone you know and get them involved in this effort to replace the OC’s of this congress!!!