Category Archives: All Posts
The Perfect Candidate
You know what I’d like? I’d like a candidate with the name recognition of Romney, the fiscal ideas of Ron Paul, the faith of Rick Santorum, and the presentation skills of Newt Gingrich!! Where is science when you need it? If George Lucas/Steven Spielberg can create a Jar Jar Binks you would think science could […]
Occupy Wall Street?
Occupy Wall Street!! Last night I was watching one of the cable shows and there were clips of the mess on wall street. You’d expect to see mostly disheveled and homeless hanging around but what you don’t see, and what the media doesn’t really show is the “class” of the majority of people participating in […]
Just Do Nothing
“The power to do nothing is resident in every man.” I read that somewhere, or words to that effect, and it stuck. Probably in a Tom Clancy novel. For those of us who live in the grassroots, flyover states of this great U.S.of A. it seems that, many times, people choose to yield this “power […]
Can Mr. Smith Still Go To Washington?
What happened to the old fashion notion of putting your country first and your political career second? How do we get back to what the founders envisioned as a representative government. We elect someone to go and represent us as a whole, to make sure that our country runs smoothly and in concert with our […]
Government Creates Codependency
I just finished having a chat with my nephew. He, along with his wife and family, are self-less individuals, who have given up the luxuries of American life and dedicated themselves to helping the less fortunate of this world. And I mean world – they’ve worked with the homeless in California and just recently came […]