I Fear For America

I‘ve heard it been said by some well-meaning people that they are going to “Vote their conscience” and not support either Romney or Obama this election (usually under the guise of being Libertarian).  They said that if anyone is voting for either Obama or Romney they are just “being counted from among the duped masses” and “that they are being coerced into believing that they are offered a choice when they’re not.”  They believe that the two candidates are exactly the same.  I believe they hold this view for one of two main reasons: One is because they are studious followers of Alex Jones and are conspiracy advocates.  They hang on every word out of his mouth and believe that the country is “going down” therefore they need to be well-armed and start a new revolution.  Or two, they truly want a better America but are just ignorant.  My Dad use to tell me that there’s a difference between ignorant and stupid.  Being ignorant just means you don’t know something, but being stupid means you know, but choose to ignore what you know.  These people just don’t know how to go about it and have chosen the wrong path. 

To either of these believers of that type of rhetoric I have to ask a question.  What does that person do when leaving Obama in place (which is what we are choosing mathematically if we don’t vote for Romney) changes the very fabric of our country, destroys the constitution and our country as we know it, destroys the right and ability to have access to the internet and research that we freely have now, and removes any chance of being able to vocally and publicly disagree with politicians and leaders without serious repercussions or martyrdom?

I posit to those in the second group who are just ignorant (nothing can help those that are fully entrenched in Alex Jones theories) that their hindsight will be 20/20 but the damage will have been done.  If there isn’t a change of administration then all of the “progressive” plans and desires for America will be free to reign.  It’s sort of like unchaining a rabid dog – very dangerous and damaging. 

Will this happen because of those that truly wanted a better America but didn’t properly choose the timing of their battles? In the ancient book “Sun Tzu’s Art of War” there is a great piece of advice: “He who knows which battle he should engage in and which he should avoid, will win.”  I believe it will be easier to win the battles we believe in with the Constitution in place and Romney as President. 

No matter that Romney has flaws and isn’t perfect.  I still want someone who at least has some modicum of respect for our Constitution rather than a man who has dedicated his life to core beliefs that destroy the very essence of the ideology upon which this country was founded. Remember, Obama plans to “fundamentally change this country”.  Have you seen the movie “2016”?  If you haven’t I urge you to take a look – it’s an eye opener into Obama’s policies, beliefs, and motivations.

Is it not our solemn duty, even if we don’t support some of Romney’s views, to make sure that we live to fight another day?  I can’t fight to protect my family if I’m dead.  Again I ask – what if your rights afforded you under the Constitution, fettered as they may be now, end up COMPLETELY taken away from you?  What if you are not allowed to pursue or even express your beliefs openly?  What if, because we go down that path of Socialism and Statist ideals, our children and grandchildren are taken away from us because we are teaching them Godly principles?  I fear for the United State of America as we know it if we don’t vote Obama out of office Nov 6th.

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Democratic Convention Nauseating

I found myself nauseated as I watched the Democratic Convention last night.  I would watch for a while, listen to the lies being belched at the podium, yell a few “I don’t believe this” statements at the screen, then flip the channel to Jeopardy.  I’d watch Alex Trebek for a while and then had to go back to see what else they were trying to shove down the throat of the American people.  Couldn’t stop myself from wondering how they could actually believe that the average person would swallow this hogwash!!  Rahm Emanuel says that Obama can stop the rain and bring the sun out!?!  Come on – can they really believe this?

I realized that the problem with the party is that they’ve heard this drivel for so long that they’ve (to use an old fisherman’s cliche) swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.  No matter what the facts are they can’t see the truth – because, like Jack Nicholson once said “They can’t handle the truth..!”  If they acknowledged these facts they’d have to admit that all of their socialist policies, every time they’ve been tried over the last 100 years, have utterly failed!!

One of the themes that seemed to permeate the convention was that of “saving’ the middle class.  In fact, their goal, according to Mayor Castro, is to make it into the middle class and be able to stay there.  I don’t know about you, but when I was growing up I was taught that there was no limit to what I could achieve.  If I wanted to move to a more affluent lifestyle, with hard work, I could.

Therein lies the problem with the Obama doctrine.  He doesn’t believe that anyone should be more than just ‘middle class’ – and the democratic party has moved left to follow him.  He was indoctrinated from childhood that America has stolen the wealth from third world countries and anyone who is wealthy in America has stolen it from someone else.  Over his lifetime he has adopted the purpose of changing America into a country where his views can abound – where nobody is rich and everyone is the same.  The only problem with that is, whenever and wherever it’s been tired, it has always ended up being only two classes:  the proletariat (the lower social class or working class) and the ultra-elite ruling class.  That is not the America we experienced growing up nor what our Founding Fathers had in mind!!

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The Perfect Candidate

You know what I’d like?  I’d like a candidate with the name recognition of Romney, the fiscal ideas of Ron Paul, the faith of Rick Santorum, and the presentation skills of Newt Gingrich!!  Where is science when you need it?  If George Lucas/Steven Spielberg can create a Jar Jar Binks you would think science could combine the four GOP candidates!!

Is this any indication of the train of thought of the majority of GOP voters?  Do they want a true conservative that is not afraid to proclaim the conservative message of smaller government, lower taxes, and more freedom?   Lord, I hope so!!

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Occupy Wall Street?

Occupy Wall Street!!  Last night I was watching one of the cable shows and there were clips of the mess on wall street.  You’d expect to see mostly disheveled and homeless hanging around but what you don’t see, and what the media doesn’t really show is the “class” of the majority of people participating in OWS.  They’re college students and SEI union members!  Some of the students are Harvard students who are mad that they have student loans!!  Wow!! You live in a free country that allows you to get to the point where you can go to a university that costs more than the median income and then protest your country’s core principles that allowed the institution to exist!

I’ve got an idea!  Why don’t we just eliminate all debt (which has been proposed at these protests), give everyone free higher education, free health care, a free house, free homeowners insurance (what good’s a home without insurance), set the minimum wage ad $35 an hour and. oh yeah, while we are at it, a free car!!  Of course for PC sake we should give them a Prius!!  But I have a feeling they wouldn’t want anything less than an Audi or Benz.

These people are acting out what they have been spoon feed throughout their years at our public schools and institutions of “higher learning”.  If I were one of these protesters I would demand to have my money refunded because it’s apparent that the kind of education they were force fed (anti-capitalism) could only prepare them for one thing – failure to be any resemblance to a productive part of society.

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Just Do Nothing

“The power to do nothing is resident in every man.”  I read that somewhere, or words to that effect, and it stuck.  Probably in a Tom Clancy novel.  For those of us who live in the grassroots, flyover states of this great U.S.of A. it seems that, many times, people choose to yield this “power to do nothing” at election time.  We can no longer sit back and let “others” go to the polls and choose our candidates.  We have to realize that things don’t just “turn out OK” anymore!  There is a concerted effort to destroy our freedoms and our way of life as the founders envisioned.  Some of the participants are knowingly and purposefully involved in the destruction while others, because of our liberal-biased educational system, are acting in good conscience. Believing what they are doing is right.  And the trouble with that belief is that it is based on a faulty set of failed economic ideas.  Never have I seen a more biased, ideologue based, zealous “faith” than that of a liberal.  Their ideas and plans can be faced with years of failure and their response, because of their belief, is to do more of it.  There is no salvation for our country from someone who believes that the way to fix it is to do more of the same.  What we need are the old ideas of our founding fathers to be resurrected.  And the way we do that is to elect officials who are not fanatical, undercover socialists.

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