Can Mr. Smith Still Go To Washington?

What happened to the old fashion notion of putting your country first and your political career second?  How do we get back to what the founders envisioned as a representative government.  We elect someone to go and represent us as a whole, to make sure that our country runs smoothly and in concert with our constitution, and when they get there they begin looking for ways to get your vote the next time.  If that means letting capitalism die and establishing socialism so be it.  They continue to wield power in their position and they are content to say and do anything to keep it that way.

One of my dreams is to find about two hundred “Mr. Smiths” to go to Washington and clean house.  Can you imagine?  The thing that makes that seem impossible is that we all vote to protect our own personal agenda.  Union members are told to vote for someone if they want to get a raise next year and most of them walk into the voting booth, look for the name given to them by their union, and pull the lever.

Ohio is a prime example of the power and money that unions control.  The duly elected legislature debated and passed a budget bill last fall (Ohio SB5 bill).  The bill touches the “off limits” collective bargaining powers of the unions to negotiate for things other than pay amount.  So those unions had their members hit the streets and collect signatures on a petition to get a referendum vote on the bill this fall.  The money that is projected to be spent on this undertaking alone is more than the 33 billion dollars that was spent on the entire last election!  There is a lot at stake in Ohio.  We either bring the spending under control in our state governments by reasonable cutbacks and changes to the status quo or we see department after department and job after job completely eliminated from a lack of funds.

America is almost at the end of her financial life as we know it.  Many localities are finding out that there is an end in sight and are actually filing bankruptcy.  If they could, the States wouldn’t be far behind.  Compare our government to a family who uses credit cards.  Most of us, when we get to the point where credit card payments are creeping up on the amount of our income, would stop using the card.  In fact, the credit card company would probably make sure that our credit limit would be reduced so we can’t charge any more – and that would be that.  We’d take the necessary steps to cut back on our spending because we’d have no money to continue.

Congress, however, has no credit card company to lower the limit, nor do they have a boss that tells them they can’t have a raise.  What they do is equivalent to us going out and getting another credit card to pay the payments on the first card and continue to buy more “stuff”!   The government doesn’t have to ask for a raise – they just have to raise taxes.  They don’t have to worry about a credit limit – they just raise the debt ceiling!  They don’t have to worry about cash flow – they just print money!

Common sense tells us that this can’t continue.  For years this problem has been kicked down the road for future politicians to face.  They’re afraid to touch any entitlement out there.  All they hear is the special interest voice of each group saying you can and should cut the budget – just not mine!  Well folks, look around – if our elected officials don’t start changing the status quo right now in Washington DC, in our state houses, and in our local Main Street municipal governments, we could very well be the next Greece.

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Obamacare Falling – A Domino At A Time

For months Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius insisted that the section of the Obama health care plan known as CLASS, the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports program could be fixed.  But she finally acknowledged Friday that she doesn’t see how.  Like every other liberal plan based on ideological demagoguery, it was supported and pushed by the liberal media as a plan that would set America on a path to free everything.  I can’t imagine the pain it causes the AP to print a story like this.  Even with the obvious failure of CLASS they still try to spin it.  You can read the entire AP story here.

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Government Creates Codependency

I just finished having a chat with my nephew.  He, along with his wife and family, are self-less individuals, who have given up the luxuries of American life and dedicated themselves to helping the less fortunate of this world.  And I mean world – they’ve worked with the homeless in California and just recently came home from a long stint in Thailand and Burma to rest up and have their fourth child.  Their missionary work is supported by churches and other charities – and those charities are completely supported by individuals like us who voluntarily give of their time and money to support them – and that’s the way it should be.

For years when you needed a helping hand you were helped first by family, and then by your church.  And when that help came, it came with stipulations.  “We’ll help you, we’ll make sure that you don’t starve, and we’ll help you get back on your feet, but you have to be willing to work with us – you have to at least look for work.  Don’t sit on the couch all day playing video games.”  For years this was the way people were helped – they didn’t starve and their self respect remained intact.   Codependency is not good for anybody but when our government creates programs for the poor, needy, and destitute that’s exactly what they’re doing – creating needy, codependent people.  They’ve spawned a generation who don’t rely on themselves or family any longer, they now rely on the government.  The proof that this doesn’t work is simply this – count how many people are still poor today after all these years of liberal programs. We’ve poured billions of dollars into these liberal ideas and “plans to help the poor” yet it’s worse than ever.  The only explanation is that liberals are either stupid or they’re doing it on purpose.  I believe it is a pre-meditated plan based on full knowledge of the sustainable outcome.  The only way that liberals can get re-elected and stay in power is to make their voters believe that without them they are lost.  And they use our tax dollars to accomplish this feat!

I’m convinced that when we make changes in our “programs” to shift the burden back to family and the church we will see a surprising number of people becoming self sufficient and off the government rolls.  We saw it in 1994 with the Contract With America and welfare reform.  We need to make sure that we do the right thing in the coming elections – we need to replace anyone who promulgates these liberal ideas of codependency with people of integrity, people of conscience, people who know the Constitution, and will make sure that America becomes self-reliant again. The consequences of such a reform will mean that we’ll have elected people who understand capitalism and know how to get this country moving again – they will create jobs that will last!

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The Most Successful Economy In The World

I’m a voracious reader – just ask my wife how many books are on my nightstand at any one time.  While starting the book Doing Business God’s Way (a book on business and economics by Dennis Peacock) I ran across the forward by Joe Johnson, the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Business Reform magazine.  The following is an excerpt from that forward which, I believe, says it all about the “why” of our success:

“Early in the 20th Century, a German scholar by the name of Max Weber became interested in why the United States had come to possess the most successful economy in the world.  His intense curiosity eventually led him to years of research, the fruits of which were published as the now-classic book, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.  The comprehensive research of this atheist scholar concluded that America had become the world economic leader because of the early American settlers’ and forefathers’ view of God and work.  According to Weber, this biblical worldview, in combination with their deep faith and commitment to God, is what brought such immense success to such a young nation.  Sadly, by the beginning of the 20th century, this great nation had clearly lost its roots of economic success, even as it simultaneously continued to enjoy the fruits being produced by its original values.”

Never thought I’d be agreeing with an atheist!!

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Just Say What You Mean!

It seems that every move a candidate makes is calculated and tested to see if it’ll pass the popularity polls.  When will someone just step up and say what they mean – what they believe.  That’s what impresses me about Ron Paul and Herman Cain.  It shows in their message that these two guys just want to see the country do better.  America is waiting for someone who’s real.  Someone who uses the common sense he (or she) was born with!  Someone who says the same thing and carries the same message whether he’s in a blue state or a red state.  What seems to be happening is that the real America, the grassroots, is demanding more than just empty promises.  We’re demanding results – and we know what those good results look like.  If we don’t see that from our elected officials we will replace those officials at the first opportunity (election) – as well we should.

Ideologues have been in control now for about three years – they’ve tried all their pet socialistic ideas – socialized medicine, higher taxes, class warfare, millionaire taxes, you name it.  The only way that America will be rescued from this socialism experiment that we’ve been subjected to is for us to make sure that it doesn’t continue.  You and I both know what that entails.  It takes each of us – the grassroots – to get out there and do our part, hit the bricks, share the message, make converts, and every other cliche that you can think of.  Just do it!!


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